Associate Professor
School of Communication and Culture
Columbia College Chicago

Oak Park Public Library Board Trustee


About Madhurima

Dr. Madhurima Chakraborty is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication and Culture at Columbia College Chicago. She has served as President of the Faculty Senate, Associate Chair of the English and Creative Writing Department, English Major and Literature Program Coordinator, and Provost Faculty Fellow for Honors.

Her research and teaching interests include Postcolonial, Indian Diaspora, and British literature.

She has edited Global South Asia: South Asian Literatures and the World, Postcolonial Urban Outcasts: City Margins in South Asian Literature (with Dr. Umme Al-wazedi), as well as Special Issues of South Asian Review on South Asian Literature in the World, and Nation and Its Discontents. Her scholarly work has also been published in Literature/Film Quarterly, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, South Asian Review, and Journal of Contemporary Literature. Dr. Chakraborty received her Ph.D in English from the University of Minnesota.





The Literary Politics of Mahasweta Devi: Liberative Ideology and Postcolonial Fiction. (under contract at Brill|Rodopi)

Edited Collection

Global South Asia: South Asian Literatures and the World. New York: Routledge, 2021.

Edited Collection

Special Issue: South Asian Literature and the World. (Guest Editor). South Asian Review. 41.3-4 (2020).


South Asian Literature and the World: An Introduction Special Issue: South Asian Literature and the World. South Asian Review. 41.3-4 (2020).


Name Me a Word: Indian Writers Reflect on Writing. South Asian Review. 39.3-4. (2018)

Edited Collection

Postcolonial Urban Outcasts: City Margins in South Asian Literature. With Umme Al-wazedi. New York: Routledge, 2016.


Exclusionary Nationalism and the Longevity of the Nation. Special Issue: The Nation and its Discontents. South Asian Review. 35.3. (2014)

Edited Collection

Special Issue: The Nation and its Discontents. With Umme Al-wazedi (Guest Editors). South Asian Review. 35.3 (2014).


Adaptation and the Shifting Allegiances of the Indian Diaspora. Literature/Film Quarterly. 42.4 (2014): 609-621.


"The Only Thing I Know How to Do": Interview with Mahasweta Devi. Journal of Postcolonial Writing. 50.3 (May 2014): 282-290.


Rev. of Joseph Anton, by Salman Rushdie. Special Issue: Salman Rushdie. South Asian Review. 35.1. (2014)


Dangerous Memories: Social Justice and the Politics of the Present in Mahasweta Devi's Statue. South Asian Review. 30.2. (2009)


"Joke’s on Us: Indian Americans, Comedy, and Writing America" Teaching South Asian Diasporic Anglophone Literature. MLA, 2024. 267-276.




Research and Teaching Interests

Postcolonial Theory & Literature, Cultural Studies, Subaltern Studies, Contemporary Anglophone Literature, Indian Diasporic Fiction, British Literature (Late 18th through 21st century), Critical Theory


  • Postcolonial Writing and the Nation
  • At Home in the World: Contemporary Anglophone Indian Writers
  • Women and Revolution
  • Contemporary Global Anglophone Novel
  • The Place of Indian Diaspora
  • Survey of Postcolonial Theory and Literature
  • Survey of Literary Theory


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